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CERENITY'S Supported Employment program is committed to enhancing individuals with the most significant disabilities lives by assisting them in the process of gaining competitive employment. Many individuals with disabilities are unable to achieve competitive employment in the traditional way because of the many barriers that exist in the world of work today. In fact, fewer than 15% of individuals with disabilities, specifically those with significant mental illness are competitively employed at any one time. To assist the individuals in achieving their goals, Cerenity has composed a strong team of experts that have proven success in providing competitive employment for individuals with developmental & intellectual disabilities, serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbances.


Cerenity proposes to serve the residents residing in the state of Maryland in obtaining & maintaining competitive employment in their local community. Creative Options & Employment specializes in serving adults from the age of eighteen (18) years and older who have the desire to work, but because of existing barriers, competitive employment has not traditionally occurred, or for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of culture, language or socialization barriers, and will benefit from support to assist in obtaining and maintaining competitive employment.


Cerenity’s Supported Employment (SE) program provides competitive work in integrated work settings, consistent with the strengths, resources, priorities, desires, needs, preferences, interest, capabilities and informed choice of the individual.Our Supported Employment services are community-based, and provide work site opportunities throughout the Maryland and Washington, DC Metropolitan area.


Cerenity’s competitive strategy includes our rapid approach in assisting individuals in finding competitive employment that is consistent with their preferences and desires.Individuals are afforded the opportunity to work in settings with those who do not have disabilities, and receive equal pay for doing the same job.With that in mind, Cerenity has purposefully cultivated relationships with business partners in the community to afford the opportunity for collaboration and open dialogue.Employment Specialist provides person-centered service that focuses on the individuals’ desires, preferences, skills, abilities and informed choice when developing jobs in the local community.


Cerenity’s Employment Specialist has access to specific resources that can be utilized to lead the individuals’ job search towards community-based, integrated work settings that becomes the right person for the right job. Cerenity understands that the ultimate goal is for each individual to be placed in a competitive employment job, with the necessary supports to allow the individual to be successful. All individuals’ desires, interests and skill levels are the first priority and are always the goal and focus of Cerenity’s Supported Employment program.


As Cerenity strives to reach each individuals goal, Cerenity will implement an aggressive and rapid approach towards job development activities in an effort to locate a variety of employment options available that are directly in-line with the individual’s interest and capabilities.


Cerenity has provided extensive comprehensive Supported Employment services to the residents of the District of Columbia for ten (10) years as a DDA provider. Through our goal of community integration and eliminating employment barriers, our Supported Employment program provides activities such as intake/assessments, Individual Work Plan (IWP) development, job development, job placement, job coaching and long-term follow along according to the individuals’ goals and preferences. All services will be provided according the authorization provided.


We are committed to providing exceptional long term employability services to the individuals with disabilities to ensure self-sufficiency and longevity employment status for the term of the contract, with optional years of service available.

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